Xiaofei Kang (Ph.D. Columbia University)
Professor of Religion
Research Interests: Chinese religions; religion and revolution; religion and gender studies
2106 G Street, NW RM302

Shivraj Kanungo (Ph.D., George Washington University)
Associate Professor of Decision Sciences
Vice Dean for Graduate Programs, GW School of Business
Research Interests: Outsourcing and software development; India
Funger Hall 415E
(202) 994-3734

Stephen B. Kaplan (Ph.D., Yale University)
Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs
Research Interests: International and comparative political economy, where he specializes in the political economy of global finance and development; the politics of macroeconomic policymaking; Chinese foreign investment and development finance; Latin American political economy
Monroe Hall 470
(202) 994-6680

Albert Keidel (Ph.D., Harvard University)
Adjunct Professor of Economics
Research Interests: East Asia, Chinese economy
Monroe Hall 340
(202) 994-6150

Dane Kennedy (Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley)
Elmer Louis Kayser Professor Emeritus of History & International Affairs
Research Interests: British Empire; colonialism in Africa and India; modern Britain

Khamo (Ph.D., University of Virginia)
Librarian, China Documentation Center and Taiwan Resources Center
Research Interests: East Asian Studies Librarianship, China, and Tibet
Office Location and address: Gelman Library, Suite 703D

Shaista E. Khilji (Ph.D., Cambridge University)
Professor of Human and Organizational Learning & International Affairs
Director, Organizational Leadership and Learning
Research Interests: Asian business environment; human resource issues; culture; impact of globalization; leadership and management thought and practices
2134 G St. NW, Ste. 216
(202) 994-1146

Immanuel Kim (Ph.D., University of California, Riverside)
Korea Foundation and Kim-Renaud Associate Professor of Korean Literature and Culture Studies
Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Research Interests: North Korean comedy films and filmic culture
Rome Hall 453

Jisoo Kim (Ph.D., Columbia University)
Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History, International Affairs, & East Asian Languages and Literature
On Sabbatical Academic Year 2024-2025
Research Interests: Korean/East Asian history; law; emotions; affect; gender and sexuality; crime and justice; legal culture of East Asia
Elliott School 503L
(202) 994-6761

Min Jung Kim (Ph.D., American University)
Visiting Assistant Professor of International Affairs
Associate Director, MA in Security Policy Studies Program
Research Interests: Asian security; political and security issues in Asian border and frontier areas; state-minority relations; territorial politics
Elliott School 605L
(202) 994-8521

Insung Ko (Ph.D., University of Hawai’i)
Teaching Assistant Professor in the Korean Language
Research Interests: Korean Linguistics; second language pedagogy; phonetics; language testing
Rome Hall 456
(202) 994-6723

Russell Korte (Ph.D., University of Minnesota)
Associate Professor of Human and Organizational Learning
Research Interests: Socialization of newcomers to organizations; Professional development of engineers

Joel Kuipers (Ph.D., Yale University)
Professor of Anthropology, International Affairs & Human Sciences
Research Interests: Cultures of Southeast Asia; Southeast Asian development; language ideologies of Indonesian Islamic piety
Funger Hall 201
(202) 994-6545

Young Hoon Kwak (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley)
Associate Professor of Decision Sciences
Research Interests: Korea; strategic issues in project management; project control; process improvement; engineering; construction; infrastructure management
Funger Hall 411
(202) 994-7115

Rollie Lal (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University)
Associate Professor of International Affairs
Co-Chair, Global Affairs and Religion Network (GARNET)
Research Interests: Religion, human rights, organized crime, terrorism, China, South Asia
Elliott School 605C
(571) 379-1898

Marlene Laruelle (Ph.D., National Institute of Oriental Languages and Cultures)
Research Professor of International Affairs
Director, Illiberalism Studies Program
Research Interests: Political science; sociology; identity issues; migrations in Russia, Arctic, and Central Asia
Elliott School 412J
(202) 994-3368

Kristen Luck (Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University)
Librarian, Okinawa Collection and Japan Resource Center
Research Interests: Law, society, and gender in Japan; Okinawa; Japanese policy and politics; comparative public administration; law and literature
Gelman Library 708F

Aman Luthra (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University)
Assistant Professor of Geography
Geography Undergraduate Advisor (Last Names A-J)
Research Interests: Urban planning; informal sector; waste management; pollination scarcity; smallholder agricultural systems; landscape ecology; common pool resources
2036 H Street NW

Alex Finn Macartney (Ph.D., Georgetown University)
Assistant Professor of the Practice of International Affairs International Affairs
Research Interests: Radical politics and violence in Modern Japan and Modern Germany; global and transnational history after 1945; international reaction to the U.S. war in Vietnam
Elliott School 601G

Shawn McHale (Ph.D., Cornell University)
Associate Professor of History & International Affairs
On Sabbatical Academic Year 2024-2025
Research Interests: Southeast Asian history; colonialism and decolonization; Vietnam
Phillips School 305
(202) 994-2760

Barbara Miller (Ph.D., Syracuse University)
Professor of Anthropology & International Affairs
Director, Global Gender Program
Director, Culture in Global Affairs Research and Policy Program
Research Interests: Culture and globalization; anthropology and policy; social inequality; food and culture; sociocultural anthropology; Pakistan; South Asia
Elliott School 501L
(202) 994-7257

Mike Mochizuki (Ph.D., Harvard University)
Associate Professor of Political Science & International Affairs
Japan-U.S. Relations Chair in Memory of Gaston Sigur
Co-Director, Memory and Reconciliation in the Asia Pacific Program
Research Interests: Japanese foreign policy and domestic politics; U.S.-Japan relations; international relations in East Asia

Brendan Morley (Ph.D., University of Califonia, Berkeley)
Assistant Professor of Japanese Language and Literaure
Research Interests: Sinitic poetry and prose (kanshibun), classical Japanese poetics, Japanese intellectual history
Rome Hall Suite 469